Both kids in bed by 8:00 means I tidied up the living room and finally sat down at my new digital piano with my Christmas headphones to get reacquainted with Chopin. I feel happier already! via Instagram
I'm having a great gaming weekend! Just won 6 player Catan Seafarers after being in the middle of the pack for most of the game. I'm so happy we had FriendsChristmas AND Friendsgiving this year. All ELEVEN of us! via Instagram
PJ & Charlie built a fort with PJ's great kit from Aunt @hannahhardatwork, but now they're playing upstairs so Max is napping in the fort! via Instagram
PJ is matching up socks & folding napkins for me, and the amount of happiness this is bringing both of us is disproportionately huge compared to the actual helpfulness of it, but oh man, is it making my least favorite chore so much better. via Instagram
Christmas game night with @hannahhardatwork has become a lovely tradition! This year we played Dominion. I won the first two rounds, and Han won the third. Sorry for your luck, Paul! via Instagram
Max's fav thing is whatever PJ is currently playing with, and also the bell on the end of her stocking. Now he's napping, and PJ is reading books with daddy! Our Christmas morning is going very well. via Instagram
PJ and her new friend Bo Elephant, who arrived with Santa, are playing Tangrams from mommy & daddy. This is, to me, a perfect Christmas moment. via Instagram
All the pretty spices before mixing into the gingerbread dough. Except I must have used too much flour or something, because my dough would not form, and unless a miracle occurs while it's in the fridge, I'm thinking this batch is a bust. Oh well. via Instagram
For the darkest night of the year, PJ & I lit seven luminaries in memory of Ninny! Thank you for suggesting this, Katy! via Instagram
First time Catan-ing in a loooong time. I'm not having a lot of luck tonight. Except Max is asleep in an unfamiliar pack n play for possibly the first time ever, so that's where I used my luck I suppose! Also I'm drinking wine so. Doing pretty well, on the balance. via Instagram
That's about 90 holiday cards, all ready to mail tomorrow! And one Max, not sleeping. Stinker. We'll see how he feels for his 9m checkup tomorrow morning. via Instagram
Kids playing together in their kitchen! This standing up thing is not so bad. PJ says he's helping her make pie "a little bit, but he's kind of making a big mess in here." #PJsays #MightyMax via Instagram
What did you do tonight? I hung out with one of my oldest friends, and also bought an electric piano! Craigslist keyword alert finally panned out! Now I just need a stand for it... via Instagram