I've been trying to settle on a title I like for this blog for a while. "I'm Finally" was just supposed to be temporary until I thought of something better, but it kind of grew on me, so I decided to bring it back for good...but updated to reflect my new marital status! My Mom told me that she liked taking "I'm Finally" and trying to complete the thought using the title of each post, which I hadn't thought of, but now that she mentioned it I'll probably subconsciously make my post titles fit now.
So I'm married. WE'RE married. Paul and I officially started dating on January 26, 2001 after hanging out quite a bit starting at the end of summer 2000. It was all long-distance until he moved down to Virginia with me in January 2006 (except when we both worked at Nawakwa, but there's precious little time to be alone and comfortable together while working at a summer camp), and especially while I was at school there were some rough patches involving teary late-night phonecalls, but now we've really made it and we couldn't be happier!!
The photographer hasn't posted our pics on his website yet, but I'll post a link right away when he does. It's great, he just puts a dump of all the photos on his website without even a watermark over them or anything. He doesn't give the full-size photo, but it's big enough to print a 4x6! I haven't seen any pics from the actual ceremony yet. I just saved all of Kelly D's from facebook, so now I at least have a few from the reception. Here are some that give a nice summary of what I do have, from bachelorette to honeymooner (I can't figure out how to rotate mine, so some are sideways):
Me and Kelly R
Me and Kelly D
Dancing with my purple feather boa
Me with weird cheekbones and Susan
My escorts: Susan, Kelly, Kelly, and Hannah (Megan had to go home after dinner)
Paul & me just after the rehearsal
The bridal party showing off the purses I made for them
Me in my dress! In the library getting ready before the wedding
From the back
The bridal party, all dressed up and ready to go with our bouquets!
Newly married!
With our "chauffeur"
In the car & ready to go!
Dancing at the reception
PREPs & their Moms at the reception!
Opening presents at the Killian house on Sunday morning
All packed up and ready to head to Ocean City, MD (actually we went to the Askey house first to see his family, have a bit of lunch, and see Paul's best man once more before he flew back to CA)
The view from our hotel room balcony
Me & my ice cream cone on the OC boardwalk
Out on the pier at the end of the boardwalk
I climbed a rock on a mini golf course
Taking a walk on Assateague
Paul flying our kite
Me with some Assateague horses
After dinner at Fager's Island our last evening in Ocean City
I can't wait for
our photographer to
post our pictures so that I can finally see stuff from the actual ceremony, like my musicians, flower girl, etc.
In October while I'm working on thank-you notes, I'm also going to mail blank CDs and addressed, stamped envelopes to anyone who has digital pictures so that I can have their original full-size files for myself, so keep an eye out for that. If you feel like taking the initiative and making me a CD yourself, mail it to my parent's address for now until I have our new address (hopefully by the end of next week). Also, let me know if you think you have more than 80 MB worth of pictures, and I'll send you two or three CDs!
For the time being, I'm happy to be calling Paul "husband" all the time, and hearing him call me "wife," and never taking my wedding band off, and making plans for our move back to PA. With one wedding before Thanksgiving, another before Christmas, and us living back in Central PA, it's going to be a really fun end to 2007!!
awwww great pics, mrs. askey! i love the kite pic.....
ReplyDeleteI love the pics, Mr. and Mrs. Askey. You look suitably happy.