
Friday, April 25, 2008


It's Friday, yaaaaaaaaayyy!!

- Work
- Come home and make pasta salad for lunch with all the MacConnell movers tomorrow
(I recently learned that the secret to great, fresh pasta salad is to add the dressing right before serving, so I will make the dressing separately and not add it until tomorrow when we eat)
- Crochet! I'm finally making the cute Knot Ugly Shrug from Stitch n' Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker. Next I want to make the cowboy hat, for which I will use the two huge skeins of white cotton I got to make a flower girl basket but didn't. If I decide I don't want a white cowboy hat, I can always dye it.
- This is a bit out of order, but we're also going over to the Killian's for dinner, since Han will be home for her library interview tomorrow - good luck, Han!!

Other than that, I'm happy to say that I rode my bike to work yesterday. Hopefully soon I will have bike pedals to go with my shoes...but until then it's still fun to ride in just my sneakers! After work I rode to Peppino's for a sub, which I took with me to Cornerstone Coffee House for a skinny iced chai (my fav drink evar), then to choir practice at Trinity, where Paul picked me up at 9:30 so that I wouldn't have to ride home in the dark. I was going to ride again today, but I feel all weird (maybe from the prednisone?) and funky, and still pooped from yesterday, plus I need to stop at Rite Aid so I'm just going to drive. I'll get plenty of exercise tomorrow helping Kelly and Reed move! Yay for having a girlfriend nearby again!! And with Han graduating in a couple of weeks, I'll have her nearby too, I can hardly wait. Now if only I could get my house cleaned up, unpacked, and organized so that I could finally have my housewarming party...maybe I should work on that Sunday instead of more gardening.

In other other news, I'm also feeling happy this week because over the last couple of weeks I feel like things have clicked with the two other project controllers here in Camp Hill. We've been getting along really well, chatting a lot, taking trips to Starbucks a few times a week, and I feel much more comfy and happy at work from a social standpoint than I had been. I still miss Sarah and Jeneane a whole lot, of course, which is why Paul and I are going to head South a day early on Saturday, May 24 to visit them on our way down to OBX for the next wedding. One month from yesterday, it will be so wonderful and fun I can hardly wait!!!!!

OK OK OK, I guess I'd better get dressed and head to work. Srsly. Byes...

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